What does my Innermost Spirit say?

Shthón Dívô Lháls-Tseqelsá Táshne?

What does my Innermost Spirit say?

It says "We need peace, we need tranquility."

Let me stop, let me cease, let me be as water in the river that gently flows.

Let me listen to the water that flows on the rocks of the brook.

Let me realize peace.

Shthón dívô lháls-tseqelsá táshne?

Dívô "Nelhályá sálän, nelhályá lhúlän."

Zhóláy, lepáy, dzáy kólf álsken zh'árcňná te pólháme shtháyô.

Reváy zh'álskenán te shtháyô be dleshňnáóná zhë skáyá.

Gádezhyáy sálän.

This page last updated on 10/16/04  - Úmázhë Ólevá Ányexelényű: 22 Lhányel˙ '56