Poem: The Lonely Mountain -- Ïnáqes: Zhë Dwensìlá Mónes

(Pólef révâ úmázhën, shúteln vlór - To hear this, click here)

Rïtsô vá zhë dwensìlá mónes
Dlúná ddá festá,
dhyáns-gheszrë dleshemsá
ráyvázályën zhë pelánthán.
Shthón nògzô?
Shthón ìlô?
Siznâç ás síznânÿ
qedáme ráyvô
ddá ñózhô.
Ve ìlô zhë dwensìlësán
Ens ñe xólâ
yáshën mónesán sá dlúná?
Áv ve ávô zhë kahínó pel dhëyá
kólf káyár te ánzhyónyá
ddá lhásvónyá áyexen tsú delzyû Mónesár,
te sigánô zhë Dwensìlán Mónesán
ñets delzyû dwensìlá?
He ás kálsánÿ blénÿ ñózhô
ddá ráyvô
tázhë zárre ttóxónev.
Sávlùlÿ ve yúdráshô zhë bóyenárán
Te gevónyá pel dhyáns-feká?
Ve ghelô
ddá líëcô ens zhë kelyenóxná?
Rïtsánô gó delvenyë síznâyá ddá gává
Ddá ttòsnë pel dhëyá ten vreleksályá
Yádzelyánô kámán.
Stands the Lonely Mountain
high and strong,
its face of rock
watching the surroundings.
What is it thinking?
What is it feeling?
From year to year
quietly it watches
and waits.
Does it feel loneliness
Because of not having
other mountains so high?
Or else are the hills around it
as children which learn
and hope someday also to be Mountains,
which will mean the Lonely Mountain
no more will be lonely?
But until such a day it waits
and watches,
that great guardian.
I wonder whether it judges the people
who dwell around its foot?
Whether it sees
and laughs because of the deeds?
It will stand for a thousand years and beyond
And all around it which we build
Will return to dirt.