Sample Sound Files
Ánzhyádhrefá Cáyál Réyárá

Below are links to several sample sound files so you may hear the Alurhsa language as it is spoken.  The files are in MP3 format, so you will need something which can play them.

Alurhsa has a very rich sound system, so try to hear the subtle differences between the various sounds.

Ánzhyës Gezálváyá - Learning the Computer
Dwensìlá Mónes - The Lonely Mountain (a native poem)
Gálátevár 5 - Galatians 5
Ìne Bátháven - The Holy Balance
Pásháná - A short text from a native prophetess
Páshósá-Ïnáqes - A native religious praise poem
Shïnál Lháshnáyá - A Vision of Lhashna