Work without Spirituality

Vrejen veñ Táshnësáç

I work too much. I definitely know this because of feeling the stress, because of the tiredness that fills my body and my soul after a day full of to-do's. And mostly I know it because of the heaviness of spiritual awareness that I often feel inside my soul. I think that is the worst, the most evil, and the most frightening of all the feelings I have written here. I think we all, who are intelligent beings, live by means of our spirit, by means of our dreams and our imaginations, our fantasies. And when fantasy is cast out by work, there is a great loss for everyone. I think today there are many people who work too much, because American culture encourages such. In this land where glory is acquired by the rich businessman, and business also means competition, I think it is unavoidable that such competition will cause people to work many hours. And because this culture tends to work at businesses rather than just alone, the tendency to work to much fills the land.

But we must begin to remember that work never is totally accomplished, and also that work can wait. If we do not begin to reawaken our spirits soon, perhaps it will be too late and we will have lost something important beyond measure.

Me óráme vrejálÿ. Úmázhën clá dezhyálÿ, ens dhílâ zhë brázhän, ens zh'áñxësáxná te lhényô lháls-krenfán ddá lháls-dlóven gá blé lhényá kályeshenóxná. Ddá ávnáme dhón dezhyálÿ ens llándësáxná táshnesáyá shabhësá ten sá sevlá dhílálÿ tseqel lháls-dlóveyá. Gzerálÿ tázhën delzyû zhë lezávná, zhë váshhávná, ddá zhë shthámánsávná elÿ ttòsnëç zhë dhílensenóç ten vlór vílásvályû. Gzerálÿ ólvën ttòsnën, te rrónyá sóvén, hánâ móshvá ólves-táshnexná, móshvá ólves-síkáhenóxná ddá ólves-ïnáqesóxná, ólves-gánáqenóxná. Ddá hólef zhë gánáqës ányüsqé zhë vrejenáxná vìgô epná ttòlvánÿ zárre nvázhës. Gzerálÿ exen vìgâ órá bóyenó te me óráme vrejónyá, kálÿ zh'enesne Ämerikánsá ájesô kálsón. Tye úmázhá tirá myává fárshä ákré zhë kúwósáxná bánárenseváxná, ddá bánárës sigô tsú vùgesánsësán, gzerálÿ dhón delzyû veyáshóvná kálsán vùgesánsësán ányóvâ bóyenárán vrejâ órán bhórón. Ddá kálÿ úmázhë enesne ányélô vrejâ cen bánárenáóná ól sùlme dwensáme, zh'ányélës vrejâ me óráme lhényô zhë tirán.

He deshá pífâ kóvâ zhë vrejenán gámás túkályenê, ddá tsú zhë vrejenán móvrî ñózhâ. Elñ ñe pífályá svla yáshabhónâ ólves-táshneyón, enthá dzánô me gánsá ddá nvázhánsvályá ñólyësán gáspezhánen.

This page last updated on 10/16/04  - Úmázhë Ólevá Ányexelényû: 22 Lhányelÿ '56